TEA DESIGN, Sofia, Bulgaria

Eugenia Maximova’s photo book “Associated Nostalgia“, published by Spanish publishers LA FABRICA, is a book with a lot of variety in its page sequencing. As there are several 8-page foldouts included, we had to take extreme care when cutting the core of the book. The dust jacket of the book was finished with a 3-D- embossing, whilst the inner cover features a relief varnishing.

Used materials and techniques: offset printing of the core, the foldouts and dust cover, relief varnishing with screen printing technique, 3D-embossing on the dust cover, sewn thread, hard-cover bookbindingArctic Volume White 170 gr for the core and the foldouts, Dutch cupboard LuxLine for the cover, textile material Arkonia for the spine, Chromolux carton for the dust cover.

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